(jabbascript㉿kali)-[~/home/blog/about_me]$ whoami
Hello and welcome to yet another blog about CyberSecurity. Just what the tech industry needs–another Hacker Blog. I know, I can feel the pain in your eyes as you’re starting to read, but don’t worry! I got you!
Let’s face it, there are multitudes of Cyber Security professionals sharing their latest tips and techniques. Well, my hope is to use this blog as a platform to share my own tips and techniques. So how is my blog different? Allow me to explain:
I don’t have an extensive background in IT/Tech. As a matter of fact, up until about 2 years ago, I had ZERO IT/Tech experience, and as many reading this will know, the CyberSec industry is NOT an entry level type of industry. A lot of skill is required to get in on the ground level. So how did I get into CyberSec?
I was in need of a career change, and to make a long story short, I put everything into learning the basic skills required for a position in this ever growing industry. I went from knowing next to nothing about computers to become a certified ‘Ethical Hacker’.
Ever since I can remember, I have been a hands on guy. My wife nicknamed me ‘MacGyver’ early in our marriage because there wasn’t much that I could not fix in our house. I have never been one to shy away from fixing things or finding alternate uses for them. So, in a sense, I have always been a ‘hacker’. I have always absolutely loved figuring out how certain things work.
So, here I am, a guy with very little experience and proof positive that anyone with enough determination can do this! In a period of approximately 2 1/2 years, I have went from a regular blue-collar guy to a certified ‘Ethical Hacker’.
I don’t want to give the impression that I am just writing a blog to say, ‘Look what I can do!’ My hope for this blog is to not only inspire those in a similar situation, but to give back to the cybersec community. I have learned so much from a lot of awesome individuals. What kind of ethical person would I be if I’m not willing to share this knowledge?
Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Come back often to get a peek into Jabbascript’s Madness!